1. It is amazing to me how interconnected we all are anymore. People all over the world can gripe and complain to everyone on the planet. Political shenanigans, Economic shenanigans, Power grid problems, Bully problems, Kanye problems (snicker), and cat pictures. Never forget those. 1b. BUT, just like the olden-golden-days-of-yore (before the Internet), stuff that really…
Last Bits 18
1. First up, for those of you who have read my book After the Burning: Princess I hereby present, in miniature, the Island of Shantai: I was surfing pictures while waiting for stuff on the stove to finish cooking and laughed out loud when I saw this. 🙂 2. This last week was seriously busy…
Sad Puppies, GRRM…and the whole HUGO Awards mess
A response to George R. R. Martin from the author who started Sad Puppies | Monster Hunter Nation. ...AND an excellent response to this whole Sad Puppies Hugo Award mess from the guy who started the whole ball rolling. As a mostly libertarian (objectivist) type person, you probably can guess which side I'm on. I…