So I’ve been missing for the last couple days online (for the most part). This post will show in all the geeky-gory detail,  why.

Warning!!!! There will be tech and some geek-speak in this post, as well as quite a few photos.

First things first, I have always built my own computer systems. It has been cheaper and I prefer knowing the components that make up my gear. Stuff like this was my bread and butter for 20+ years, and even though I no longer do IT support/admin, I am a Linux-propeller-head geek and keep up with things…or so I thought, which leads to the “nightmare” part of the title of this post.  😀

This upgrade started like every other I’ve ever done:

The new gear:


The rig before the upgrade:

The workhorse. Full tower. Thermaltake Kandalf

Then away we go:

New gear to the left and removing the old gear on the right.

IMG_20150217_182331256_HDR IMG_20150217_191230172_HDR

New gear plugged in on the left and first power test on the right.


Here we see that I have successfully put everything together and the system boots just fine.


Then disaster strikes. (Self inflicted disaster, but disaster nonetheless):


In this shot, we see the old gear jury-rigged on top of the new gear.

In all of my research, I missed the bits about new computer boards no longer having older EIDE hard drive connectors. It just didn’t dawn on me. So here we have me cloning a critical hard disk to a new drive. (By critical, I mean that unless I do this, my new gear will be excellent for anchoring boats…without a complete reinstall of the operating system, applications and hours of reconfiguring everything back to where I need things to be.)

And here we see the new gear with the “fixed” drive before power on tests.


AND THEN! This is where I discover that everything is still completely FUBAR, and have to set up the old gear again to re-re-clone said drive. Huge errors on the new disk meant that the new stuff was still boat anchor material.


Here we see everything back in place, with a good power up test.


Case finally closed after two days of futzing….and new gear purring along with 6 cores and 8gig ram. Relieved doesn’t begin to cover the feeling there. 😀11002397_10203965424511109_1678809928_o

Screenshot from 2015-02-20 19:48:22

During that two day period, this was the way I felt, alternating between each state roughly every twenty minutes:

states of IT

3 thoughts on “‘Twas the nightmare computer upgrade – a photo essay.

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