Viva LAS TAXI!….er…Vegas.

Okay this isn't my stuff, BUT. its about taxis and Vegas, AND how things in our country are just outta whack...and its funny as hell.  Without foitha' adoo, here is the Las Vegas Cabbie Chronicles...."L...The Ticket...Part 1 and 2" Enjoy! Part 1: Part 2: I'll add this continuing sage here as our Vegas…

Taxi Blogging!

So, some of y'all know I've switched off the IT career grind in order to pursue my heart's desire of a writer's life, and some of you didn't know. Well, I did. After years n' years of the same tech grind, and side-lining my writing for said grind, I realized awhile back that life doesn't…

Just to get in the swing of things

So I've got a blog, and I actually should use it.  Whether it be a public journal, a thought o' the day holder, or just a progress report on my writing, I'm not sure yet, BUT...if I don't actually put stuff here, well, then a virtual doorstop comes to mind, so... Politics still sucks.  Congress…