The Mechanics of writing (a bit of a rant)

It has been awhile since I blog posted...I've mostly doing real life stuff without a lot of "new bloggy" stuff to blabber about. Tarantulas and fish are doing their thing, and I've been concentrating on the writing and driving games...but...a near cataclysmic disaster at Casa du Casey's House of Writerly Luv a few days ago…

Mid Bits

1. Up far too early, but sometimes you wake up and that is simply "it" for the sleep cycle. Betting I'm going to be napping at some point later. 2. Coffee is pretty much the greatest discovery in the history of the universe. 3. A man I met died yesterday. The internet has been full…

Book #1 is out there! -the Print Post update

Again, I have been remiss in posting to my blog. However, it has been that facebook has been more than adequate for my micro-blogging needs lately. Secondly it has been due to me burning the midnight oil getting my first published work in proper shape to be print published. That is now accomplished, and I'm…