It's about 10pm in the evening on a slow start to the taxi shift when... So there I was sitting in the parking lot next to "The Egg & I Restaurant" (really good wifi) doing a little reading on my Nexus 7 between fares, when suddenly I hear a loud banging noise. I look over…
Sometimes my job is “Cops” exciting
So there I was tooling over to pick up one of my regulars over by 80th and Federal, when at the light at 80th and Lowell an idiot in an SUV comes screaming up, tries to make the turn south and ends up missing said turn and after smashing through a fence, nearly smacks a…
Drunk pixie ninja assaults cabbie AND women who leave their cars screaming for their lives.
Yep the title pretty much says it all for this blog post. Strangest two days I've ever had in the car, and the drunk pixie ninja loon I could have gone my whole life without, but hey. So on to the reason for “two police reports cramping my hand in two days” stories! The other…