1. Another St. Patty's Day weekend in the books for the private hire driving. The hastag #wasbusy pretty much nails it. Lotta miles, great customers. Off tonight for a concert in town by the funk band "Mlima" at the Bluebird. I'm really looking forward to it. 2. Writing continues...in fact once I'm done with THIS…
Mid Bits
1. Having a head cold is not my favorite thing in the universe. 1b. Having it throw off my vampire-like schedule is also not a favorite thing. 1c. What IS that orange glow-y thing in the sky anyway? It burrrnnnns us, it does. 2. Writing. Yes. Falling through the page. Yes. This is the best…
Mid Bits
1. Up far too early, but sometimes you wake up and that is simply "it" for the sleep cycle. Betting I'm going to be napping at some point later. 2. Coffee is pretty much the greatest discovery in the history of the universe. 3. A man I met died yesterday. The internet has been full…