An excellent post on just how tough the writing game can be. Which is why my own blog post about the subject emphasizes writing for the love of the craft over the business side. The biz side can kill the passion. Never ever lose the passion for the craft.
I’ve read some similar articles. There was a bit of a ‘bloom’ at first, when the whole indie ebook movement began. But then readers quickly realized there was a lot of crap and have now become much more picky and less forgiving. They aren’t swooning just because they can read your words on their electronics.
I maintain good writers still have a good chance now, better than before. But the article is right…you gotta work your ass off. You gotta know who your audience is and market to them. Find out where they hang out and find a way to get your stuff in front of them…and make sure it’s good….it better be damn good.
100% agreed. Personally I roll with the long view. Get multiple title in the channel. Make sure those titles are as professionally done as possible. Marketing is more building readership than waving the “buy-me-flag”. Each new title adds to that. Then 3-4 books in place, THEN start banging the drum for the next one. Get professionals in place who believe in the work and can do a better job than the writer can. (This is usually a given…while some writers CAN do the marketing well…most of em’ are like CPAs trying to be IT professionals. Happens all the time….and usually a disaster every time. 🙂