So in the last few days I've had a death in the family. One of my Avicularia tarantulas succumbed. The first one of these I had also died from the same issue. (What that issue is...I don't really know.) The local reptile shop replaced the failed T with this one, and it lasted longer, but…
Observing a tiny little mind do big things
Observations. Obvious: Tarantulas sit still a lot between motion. Not as obvious: Watching them build things, I'm of the opinion that they are working around the small limitations of their brains. As a former IT guy, I understand what caching of data and swapping is, and when a cpu is memory constrained, pauses will occur…
A little reef life
Aquarium update! The 20 long tank is maturing and becoming much easier to maintenance. (Meaning other than weekly water changes and checking water parameters once a month, the tank has fully stabilized and can accommodate more demanding species .) The biggest change to the tank has been the upgrade to a COB led lighting…