After getting jazzed by Las Vegas Cabbie Chronicles blog post the other day, I decided to take my trusty netbook out with me and do a blow by blow as it happens journal of a typical night. Figuring Friday/Saturday is NOT the best time to try this as those nights are non-stop mayhem, I figured…
New Years Eve 2010
After the chaos of the prior two weeks blogged about previously, I was now dreading NYE. First up this is my first New Years driving a taxi, and I'd heard horror stories from others about it, as well as reading blogs from other drivers around the country that indicated the holiday was the “suck”. That…
A bouncer’s life oh my!
So I had a ton of calls last night...great cabbin' night. One of the last was for a manager of Platinum84 who needed a lift home. Apparently two of the exotic dancers took a dislike to each other and had it out in the parking lot after closing...and one bit the other's finger off...The manager…