Last Bits 23

1. Awesome picture from a film I still can't get out of my head. 2. Friday night slammed. Excellent driving night, and wild/n/wacky customers. Actually had more jobs than I could get to. 3. Writing is moving along. Working on an epic scene that needs to be described properly. While 1st draft isn't the time…

Last Bits 18

1. First up, for those of you who have read my book After the Burning: Princess I hereby present, in miniature, the Island of Shantai: I was surfing pictures while waiting for stuff on the stove to finish cooking and laughed out loud when I saw this. 🙂 2. This last week was seriously busy…

Book #1 is out there! -the Print Post update

Again, I have been remiss in posting to my blog. However, it has been that facebook has been more than adequate for my micro-blogging needs lately. Secondly it has been due to me burning the midnight oil getting my first published work in proper shape to be print published. That is now accomplished, and I'm…