Angels on parade So I'm using the classic WordPress editor... ...inside of the Gutenberg editor via the tinyMCE Advanced plugin. What could possibly go wrong? Pretty much the best/worst of both worlds? (All things being relative, of course). The new editor isn't horrible in the concept...just buggy and a wildly different workflow. After all…
How I build a Pea puffer tank
Exploring his world. So on this blog, I've talked about building tarantula enclosures. This time we get wet. One of my favorite parts of exotic animal keeping has always been the "build-out" phase. With fish, it is setting up planted tanks, usually for communities. This time I wanted to try my hand at a 'species-specific'…
Update to the sadly underused blog site :-)
So, the universe conspires, and we the individuals, react. I've been off of writing (in any form) for the last couple months due to an aggravating shoulder injury. (rotator cuff tear.) Things are finally calming down in the "oh crap! did I just do that again?" agony department, and so I'm slowly getting back into…