Earth Day–a Rant.

Earth day. Let's see. What did I do to celebrate? Well I walked on it a bit. I breathed in some of its atmosphere.  I drove via a fossil fuel powered car to get and then eat some well seasoned dead animal flesh and some well seasoned plant life that grew in the Earth's dirt…

It’s NOT the money.

I keep seeing this statement around the internets and elsewhere anytime someone has an issue with XY or Z (usually the government or some powerful conglomerate plotting evil death for its customers): " It's about money and NOTHING else." This annoys me to no end. This is one of those memes that has been said…

Annoyed about E-readers

So anyway,  I've been researching a bit prior to taking the plunge and getting an e-ink reader.  And I'm a bit annoyed about all of it. I've looked at a ton of brands, with these three being the top picks of the bunch: and the one I THOUGHT I wanted:  …